Monday, 9 April 2012

Pent up angst and anger.

So lately I have been going through my college notes plus other notes that I have collected over the year for scholarly ( Hneh I love that word.Also adding that 'n' makes the common 'heh' irritatingly nasal and accentuates my disgust ) purpose and I have arrived at one conclusion.Since we are so used to copying left and right from literary reviews written by other noted critics and shamelessly,dastardly producing them in our answer scripts that we,as students of literature hardly ever evolve.We might become more knowledgeable but do we really evolve as students of literature? Can we not put our foot down and produce what we truly,discreetly feel about the texts we read in the answer scripts? Since time immemorial we have been hearing notable alumni of our very own Calcutta University complain about the course structure and how it endorses only rote-learning as a means to doing well in exams but unfortunately they have been only fastidious naysayers and not true alumni because then they surely would have come up with more novel methods of teaching in class,suggested updated texts or better still would have suggested other texts in class and encouraged us to read them so as to identify the intertextuality between the latter and the ones to be read for the examination.Sadly,my professors are such megalomaniacs that you can't even openly share your views lest they should ban you from the class.I am just disgusted and very very sad.Dear Lord,send me to a good univ for PG.Please oh please.*contorts with anger and helplessness*

For once, 
let's not be literary 
but literal. 

Let's break free 
from the chaotic reviews 
unduly reduced 
from innocent gazes 
at snippets of life 
to blurry mazes 
of tired thoughts gone rife. 

For once, 
let's be literary 
And literal.

P.S-My posts are getting lamer by the day and I am only getting more elusive.

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